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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

Choose To Be Well

Updated: Aug 6, 2023

Written by: Glenda Dela Cruz

Cheers to all of us taking little steps to get to how we want to be thinking, feeling, doing!

To thinking clearer.

To feeling unstoppable.

To doing incredible things.

Things to consider?

The direction you’re taking, the pace you’re going and the support along the way.

May your direction be towards higher wellness. Note that this means you are going through challenges- facing and overcoming them as they come.

May your pace be YOUR own pace driven by your desire and passion on how you want to journey along. Note that this means you are tuning inward listening to your own heart and drowning out external noise.

May the support you seek help to anchor you deeply to be able to move onward and go the distance. Note that this means you get to see ing yourself for who you are and knowing that you have it in you to achieve what you want to achieve AND that you are deserving to be supported because you matter.


Choose to be well.


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