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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

Fifty Years, Fifty Lessons: My Insights from a Half-Century Living

Updated: Jun 28

Fifty years old in fifty days.

That is half a century of living in various places and in different times.

It's incredible how fast time has flown by!

At no point did I ever think, "I wish to be 50 years old!"

But here it is coming up!

Honestly, I am unsure of the real significance of living fifty years in a world of challenges and uncertainties, but one thing I am certain of is that I could likely write a book about all the significant and meaningful events I have encountered over the past five decades.

I could start my book by recounting the experience of almost losing my foot to frostbite while walking on a snowy road in Winnipeg, Manitoba, on a very cold winter day.

Alternatively, I might begin my book by recounting a childhood memory of pretending to be asleep on my father's lap during our bus rides from Manila to Tiaong, Quezon. My sister and I did this to seem younger and avoid the bus conductor asking about our age, as it could lead us having to pay for our bus tickets.

My book could be about a young girl getting adopted and her growing up in a foreign land as an immigrant.

Or, it could be about a young woman becoming a mother much too early and ill prepared.

Or the book could be about a mother becoming empowered to stand up and speak up striving to become a better human.

One day I will write my book.

But for now, it is this, 50 lessons and insights from a half-century living.

May they give you some light and relief in however way and wherever you are in your life journey.

Every Moment is Precious.

1. Every Moment is Precious. The good and the bad and everything in between. Cherish them. If not all, most of them at the very least.

Welcome Change.

2. Welcome Change. Change is inevitable and truly the only thing that is constant. It leads to growth. Welcome them.

Seek Growth.

3. Seek Growth. It lies hidden in your comfort zones. Your better self is found outside of your comfort zone.

Practice Gratitude.

4. Practice Gratitude. Daily. Be thankful for all as it is all grace.

Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.

5. Learn. Unlearn. Relearn. Continuously as you must.

Prioritize Mental Health.

6. Prioritize Mental Health. Your mental health is your most important asset; take care of it.

Value Connectedness.

7. Value Connectedness. Invest meaningful time with people who add life into yours.

Be Kind.

8.  Be Kind. Notice when you’re not and be quick to apologize.

Take Risks and Be Challenged.

9. Take Risks and Be Challenged. Through them you discover your stronger self.

Practice Active Listening.

10. Practice Active Listening. Truly listen. To yourself and others. It deepens connection.

Pursue Your Passions.

11. Pursue Your Passions. Spend time doing activities that make you feel alive and bright.

Practice Patience and Breathing Mindfully.

12. Practice Patience and Breathing Mindfully. Good things take time.

Forgive Freely.

13. Forgive Freely. To not is futile. Be Humble. Acknowledge that no one knows everything.

Acknowledge Negative But Choose Positivity.

14. Acknowledge Negative but Choose Positivity. A positive mindset makes the difference.

Set Intentions.

15. Set Intentions. They give your life direction.

Live Peacefully.

16. Live Peacefully. Be true to yourself.

Laugh often.

17. Laugh often. Laughter is healing.

Be Generous with Your Smile.

18. Be Generous with Your Smile. Even with strangers. They can light up one's day.

Spend Time in Nature.

19. Spend Time in Nature. See the lessons it brings.

Learn from Mistakes.

20. Learn from Mistakes. There is always a lesson behind each one.

Respect Others

21. Respect Others. Even those you are in disagreement with.

Seek Balance in All things

22. Seek Balance in All things. Retreat to reset.

Be Resilient.

23. Be Resilient. Come back stronger.

Communicate Your Feelings.

24. Communicate Your Feelings. You’re entitled to feel.

Live in Courage.

25. Live in Courage. Go even with fear.

Embrace Solitude.

26. Embrace Solitude. There comes insights.

Stay Curious.

27. Stay Curious. Ask questions. Tons of questions.


28. Simplify. Keep what truly matters and declutter.

Stay Connected with Others.

29. Stay Connected with Others. Even when you are good and well alone.

Practice Love Unconditionally.

30.  Practice Love Unconditionally. Get a dog or two to learn how to.

Find Joy in All things.

31. Find Joy in All Things. It is all part of the life process.

Accept Yourself.

32. Accept Yourself. You’re already incredible.

Practice Mindfulness.

33. Practice Mindfulness. Be in the moment.

Help Others.

34. Help Others. Being in service brings deep joy and fulfillment.

Stay Flexible.

35. Stay Flexible. Be willing to bend.

Be Proactive.

36. Be Proactive. Take charge of your life and make things happen.

Invest Time in Yourself

37. Invest Time in Yourself. You deserve it.

Choose Peace.

38. Choose Peace. Inner peace.

Learn to Say No.

39. Learn to Say No. Draw healthy boundaries.

Celebrate Successes.

40. Celebrate Successes. Yours and others. Acknowledge and celebrate achievements.

Practice Empathy.

41. Practice Empathy. Connect with the feelings

Seek Wisdom

42. Seek Wisdom. Wisdom comes from life experiences and reflection.

Dream Big.

43.  Dream Big. The unimaginable kinds.

Practice Self Care.

44. Practice Self-Care. Nurture deeply.

Be Open-Minded.

45.  Be Open-Minded. As open as the great blue sky.

Value Experiences Over Things.

46. Value Experiences Over Things. They last longer and bring about lessons.

Practice Financial Prudence.

47. Practice Financial Prudence. Live simply.

Leave a Legacy.

48. Leave a Legacy. Live in such a way that others may have a chance.

Live Heart-Centred.

49. Live Heart-Centred. Less in the mind.

Say "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank You. I Love You"

50. Say "I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank You. I Love You.". It is Ho'oponopono- a traditional Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness, a much needed practice in a world that needs much healing.

What lessons and insights have you gained in your lifetime thus far? If there is one person who could benefit from hearing those, would you keep them to yourself or would you speak them out loud? I hope you find the courage to choose the latter.

Be well.

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