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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

Journey to Heal: Out of Our Heads. Into Our Hearts.

"The longest journey you will ever take is the 18 inches from your head to your heart”

says Andrew Bennet.

How true this is! In my case, it is fifty years in counting.

I think that “18 inches” refers to the distance between accumulated knowledge and gained wisdom, between understanding to becoming compassionate.

I think that “18 inches” journey points to the continuous inner work that requires deeper self-awareness and conviction to personal growth and healing.

Along this path we find deep wisdom measured not by the vastness of our knowledge, but by the depth of our understanding, empathy, and care, for ourselves and other beings.

I believe it is the greatest achievement for it not only transforms ourselves, but it also leads us towards greater positive impact we can have outside of ourselves. And as we cultivate compassion and understanding within, we become beacons of light, inspiring others to embark on their journeys, perhaps of one that leads to living in peace, being a piece of peacefulness.

Imagine the ripple effect of that.

Would you agree that making the journey from the head to the heart IS the greatest journey of all and is better accomplished much earlier before our time runs out?

Here’s one essential practice that helps me to this day in this lengthy but worthwhile journey. Have a read. Try it out. And let me know what you think. And if you want to share your practice that helps you in your journey, you are welcome to in the comment section.

My essential practice- NOTICE.

Noticing thoughts, feelings, actions, choices, decisions, postures, triggers, tones- everything that are exhibited and expressed outwardly.

Why take notice?

Because noticing is the beginning of awareness and by practicing this, it leads to even deeper awareness and greater capacity to change. Any unhealthy patterns block and stunt growth and can leave many of us in a cycle of stuck-ness in our heads without the heart in what we do, which can leave anyone of us feeling and thinking like a robot or purposelessly doing what we do.


Look inward.

Some questions to ask yourself as you do,

“What do I notice?”

“What is healthy and helpful to growth, mine and others?”

“What patterns do I have that is not healthy and helpful”

“What tendencies do I have that need changing?“

“What ways do I have that no longer serve me well?”

“What am I avoiding that I need to notice and attend to?"

And with all those questions come reflections and maybe moments wrapped as triggers to give you the opportunity to change and to make the journey from your head to your heart.

And as you NOTICE as you make the journey, EMBRACE yourself tightly to navigate resistance coming from your own head and to overcome challenges that present opportunities for you to be deeply strengthened as you make the job from your head to your heart.

May many more of us take the journey from head knowing to heart wisdom, from understanding to compassion to help create the change needed as we journey home.

Journey well.

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