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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

Live What We Teach: The Road to Authenticity

In a world flooded with advice and "experts", authenticity stands out as a beacon of inspiration and influence.

"Live what you teach" isn't just a phrase; it's a guiding principle that emphasizes the importance of embodying the values, beliefs, and knowledge we impart to others. .

Whether a teacher, coach, mentor, leader, or simply someone sharing life lessons or transferring knowledge, living what we teach deepens our connection with others and it leads to more meaningful relationships. With the increasing number of individuals experiencing mental health challenges and feeling disconnected, deeper connections with each other and having meaningful relationships helps.

Here's how and why:

1. Inspiration through Example: People are more likely to be inspired by our actions than words alone. When we live by the principles we take up, we are "walking the talk", to become a living, breathing testament to their effectiveness. Our actions serve as a model for others, demonstrating the practical application and real-world impact of our teachings.

2. Building Trust and Credibility: Authenticity builds trust. When our words align with our actions, we establish higher credibility and integrity. This trust forms the foundation of stronger relationships, whether in the classroom, workplace, or community.

3. Creating a Culture of Accountability: Living what we teach cultivates accountability. By holding ourselves to the same standards we expect of others and by doing what we say to others, practicing what we preach, we create a culture where everyone is accountable for their words and actions. This fosters mutual respect and encourages personal growth and development.

4. Empowering Others: Authenticity empowers others to be open to change. When people see someone living authentically, they feel encouraged to do the same, emboldening them to be true to themselves and pursue a path that is more authentic and lasting.

5. Resilience in Adversity: Authenticity strengthens resilience. When faced with challenges, those who live what they teach draw upon their strengthened self to navigate adversity with grace and determination. This resilience serves as a light for others that they too can persevere in the face of hardship.

Living what we teach isn't about perfection; it's about sincerity and consistency. It requires self-awareness, introspection, and a commitment to personal growth.

By embodying the principles and values we share to others, we not only enrich our own life but also create a ripple effect of positive change in the world around us.

In essence, living what we teach is a way of life that transforms both the teacher and the taught, fostering a community bound by authenticity, trust, and shared values.

May we strive to not only preach but to embody and practice them in our thoughts, feelings amd actions for therein lies the true power to inspire and uplift others.

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May 10

Being mindful, being aware on how you will embody to be healthier and better in your everyday life .. you'll see the great impact to yourself and others.

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