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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

Relationships and your wellbeing

How do you know if a relationship isn’t serving your future and current self?

A question I was asked to comment on by a friend the other day.

Here’s what I said plus more…

Relationships that aren’t serving your current and future self are those that are exhausting and draining to your health and overall wellbeing.

These relationships could be with people who have problematic behaviors or maybe a job that you are keeping that are really overwhelming in that the demand is more than what you can realistically give.

The negative impact of such problematic relationships can be huge to your mental health if left unchecked and ignored.

But, given the proper attention, these relationships present valuable opportunities for you to explore and dive inward to ask yourself what needs changing.

There are relationships that undoubtedly need to be extinguished and run away from, like those that are a threat to your safety, ie domestic abuse or jobs that have unfair and unsafe demands.

But there are certain relationships that if and when processed well, you may find that it isn’t really the person or the job that’s not serving you well but actually more of how you yourself are relating to them. The opportunity then is that you get to look within you to see your own beliefs and perceptions, about yourself and the world, which is an essential process because your beliefs and perceptions impact how you relate and behave in relationships, with people, in life circumstances, and even with yourself.

Summing this up, to know if a relationship is or isn’t isn’t serving your current and future self is to consider the following:

  • is my safety, health and wellbeing a concern?

  • am I being limited and restricted in the relationship?

  • what personal growth is possible with the relationship?

  • what do I need to change, learn, develop, improve to relate better in the relationship?

Tip- listen to your gut feeling. If something feels off with a relationship, explore and attend to it - do talk it out and decide on the relationship mindfully.

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