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  • Writer's pictureGlenda Dela Cruz

The Art of Living Well: Harnessing Your Power and Living In Your Purpose

Updated: Jul 29

Health matters most, don’t you think?

It is after all what allows us to experience life more positively and, with optimal health, we get to harness our power to create what we want in alignment with our life purpose.

Imagine what brilliant things are possible with you feeling, thinking, doing- ultimately living optimally well.

Recently I spoke about this topic at a private gathering, along with two other speakers, Francis Kong and Angelo Cabrera, who spoke about legacy, succession and estate planning.

I heard Francis Kong, a well known business and leadership speaker, said that success without succession is failure. How true is that!

And Angelo Cabrera, a highly accomplished and regarded lawyer, advised everyone to ensure that what we pass on is a blessing and not a curse. Absolutely a must!

How well fitted it was to have been the last to speak, as I shared about a topic that I believe to be that which truly allows us to be able to create a lasting legacy, to plan ahead, to live well.

What truly deeply allows you to live well? 

Would you agree that without better health and wellness in the mind, body and spirit leads us in feeling unfulfilled and dissatisfaction but with proper care and attention to improving our wellbeing, we are more likely to have positive meaningful experiences and make wiser choices and decisions?

Do you want to harness your power and live in your purpose?

Over the years, through my own personal experiences and in helping many clients with their wellbeing, I have come to see and believe that bettering health and wellness is one of, if not the most important aspect in creating a life that is full of abundance because it enables us to lead vibrant, fulfilling lives, and we get to contribute more positively to our communities.

When we prioritize our well-being, we become powerful role models for future generations. When we are healthy, we are more likely to engage in purposeful work, support others better, and inspire needed change, creating a ripple effect that benefits our loved ones and those around us.

By nurturing our wellbeing, our legacy is one of strength, vitality, and wellness, filled with blessings and grace, which is truly worthwhile and what many, if not all, truly deeply desire.

In your most silent moments, what does your heart deeply desire?
Without better health and wellness in the mind, body and spirit, we live feeling disempowered, unfulfilled and dissatisfied.

Here are five key elements and five practices that have helped me optimize my health which has led me on a mission and live in my purpose- to create the kind of world I want to leave behind, healthy and well.

May they help you in transforming your life, your health, your wellness.


DIRECTION - clarity in the direction you’re taking regarding your health. Are you heading towards better health or are you heading the other way, poor health? Many people think that as we age, the health declines. While that may be a reality for some, it doesn’t necessarily have to be if we are paying attention to how we are living our daily lives.

DISRUPTION - imbalances, challenges, difficulties. How are you going through these natural events in life? While there is a preference for comfort and ease, there needs to be space for disruption as this calls for change which is necessary for growth. How do you perceive and receive disruptions in your life? Do you welcome and embrace or is there resistance and avoidance? Disruptions are opportunities to change status quo, break unhealthy patterns, and navigate towards your better health.

ACCEPTANCE - to not to do so is futile. Imagine the feeling of living a life without acceptance of what needs to be accepted. At some point, there becomes a breakdown as you reach your breaking point because refusing to accept something creates a toxic internal environment from the chronic stress that it can bring about. What is it that you need to accept in your life, that once you do, you break free from what holds you back in taking the needed actions towards your better health?

CONVICTION - a deeply held, strong belief and unwavering commitment to your health and wellbeing because you deserve to feel good and well. When you feel optimally well, you do better. Having conviction is crucial to bettering health because it is what will motivate you to keep you focused in doing what you need to do for your wellbeing.

BALANCE - an active weighing out of pros and cons, preventing extremes of over indulgence or deprivation to avoid overwhelm or burnout, a consistent need to actively bring yourself to that state that supports and nourishes your overall health and wellbeing. The quality of your thoughts, feeling, actions, choices and decisions are just that much better when you are in a state of balance.


  1. ACKNOWLEDGE is a practice of recognizing and seeing all events and experiences in life, good, bad and everything in between. To only see one aspect of human experiences limits growth but to acknowledge that all the events in our lives have purpose, and to see those without chasing down or running away from any of them gets us to discovering our inner power to overcome anything.

  2. GRATITUDE is a practice of simply being thankful for everything and all things that arise. It is to be grateful for all the lessons and insights from all experiences and events in life that have brought you to here and now, and to where you could possibly find yourself in the future. With gratitude, you find yourself in a place of abundance, never lacking of anything and having everything that you need in life until such a time that all has ended, and you have gained so much.

  3. FORGIVE is to practice letting go, deeply knowing that we are all working on our progress; that we are doing, behaving and acting based on our current level of awareness; that mistakes are part of learning in life; that forgiveness is something that we need to give freely to others and ourselves; and to not do so will keep us weighed down and farther away from feeling well.

  4. BREATHING is to practice intentional breathing, to slow down in the inhale and to gently release the exhale, with focus on the body relaxing. When we are relaxed, the process of healing begins, the mind becomes clearer, the heart calmer, and the energy focused on taking actions towards bettering our wellbeing with our choices and decisions.

  5. SERVICE is to practice giving back for there is no other practice in this world that can give us the greatest satisfaction than to see the value of ourselves in uplifting lives and the benefits of creating meaningful connections with others to remind us that we are not alone in this journey called life.

Lastly, to help you in your wellness journey, reflection questions to ask yourself, which I often ask myself -

“What beautiful things become possible if you journey towards your better health?”

“What could you possibly do if you were to begin your wellness journey?”

“What brilliant things would you create in your world if you were optimally well?”

Blessings of abundance. May we all journey towards higher wellness.

Share with me your thoughts in the comment section. Do you have questions on how you can live well and in your purpose? Email me at

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